Tag: 調理部

Cooking Club- Valentine`s Day

We had our Valentine`s Day them a little early this year. This time we made three kinds of cookies: marshmallow cookies, melon bread cookies, and brownies. A sweet aroma filled the kitchen. Even when arranging the cookies on the plates, each student’s individuality shone through, and they tried their best to come up with ways Read More

Cooking Club- JHS Participation

On July 27th, 3 JHS students participated in a cooking club experience at Yamamura Kokusai. In the morning, they helped harvest vegetables (okra, eggplant, tomatoes, etc) and watermelon from the school`s field. After that, in the cooking room, they used the harvested vegetables to cook a summer vegetable curry and pickled cucumbers. They made a Read More

Cooking Club

On Saturday, June 8th, all three grades participated in club activities for the first time this year. This time, the manager decided a menu of: gyoza, vinegar cucumbers, and chive soup. Even though the cooking stations were organized by students of different grades, they all seemed to have fun cooking together. This year members with Read More