Tag: 吹奏楽部

Brass Band- Valentine Festival Concert

On January 19th, the brass band participated in the Valentine’s Festival Concert held at Sakado Cultural Hall. The purpose of this concert is for junior and senior high schools in Sakado and surrounding areas to form a joint band, deepen their friendship, and improve their skills through friendly competition. Our school formed a joint band Read More

Brass Band- All Japan Brass Symphony Competition Finals

On January 12, the brass band club participated in the All Japan Brass Symphony Competition held in Culttz Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture. This is the fifth time we have participated in this tournament for the fifth time in a row. In addition to basic performance techniques, judging also included a section on stage performance. As well Read More

Brass Band Ensemble Festa Award

On December 27th, two teams, a saxophone quartet and a brass quintet, participated in the Saitama Ensemble Festa held at the Saitama Civic Hall Omiya At RaiBoC Hall. Both teams tried their best and received high praise and were awards as follows. Saxophone Quartet: Gold Award and Special Award (Encouragement Award) Brass Quintet: Silver Award Read More

Christmas Concert at Ranzango

On December 24th, the Baton Twirling Club and the Brass Band Club visited the Ranzango, a facility for people with disabilities, where they held a concert with the idea of “what can we do” so that everyone could enjoy it. The students performed in four teams in dormitories and gymnasiums. It seemed everyone was happy Read More

Brass Band-Saitama Prefectural High School Music Festival

The brass band participated in the Saitama Prefectural High School Music Festival held at the Tokorozawa Cultural Civic Center on November 9th. After the school festival, the third graders temporarily retired, and it was the first time to perform with members mostly in the 1st and 2nd grades. This music festival focuses on enhoying not Read More

Brass Band- Ensemble Contest- Gold Award

On November 3rd and 4th, four teams participated in the Brass Band Education Association Ensemble Contest. The students started practicing for the contest in September after auditioning within the club. All teams have improved their skills and have grown to the point where they can aim for the top during tournaments. Thank you very much Read More

Brass Band “Shito Award”

The brass band received the “Shito Award” at our school’s cultural festival held on September 7th and 8th. This award is given to the most outstanding group selected by public vote. The brass band performed a total of five shows over the two days, from the opening to the closing. This stage was created through Read More

Shitozai (Cultural Festival)

Yamamura International High School held its 72nd Shitozai Festival (cultural festival) over two days, on Saturday, September 7th and Sunday, September 8th. The students began preparations during the summer holidays, and were able to finish the two days without incident, enjoying the opening (event at the beginning), public opening, and closing (event at the end) Read More

Brass Band- Tsurugashima Second Elementary School District Noryo Tournament

On August 17th, the brass band club played for the summer festival at a Tsurugashima elementary school. It seems that everyone in the community enjoyed the performance and we enjoyed playing and performing. Thank you for everyone involved. Read More

Brass Band- Prefectural Tournament

On Friday, August 9th, the brass band participated in the Saitama Prefecture Brass Band Competition held at the Saitama Cultural Center and received a silver prize. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support. In addition, you can see this performance on September 1st from 19:00-21:00 on TV Saitama “Compete! Read More

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